Is now an Opportune Time to Invest in Childcare in Australia?

Investing in or developing a childcare center in Australia is a promising venture with significant financial and social benefits. With the increasing demand for quality childcare services driven by Australia's growing population and the government's emphasis on early childhood education, now is an opportune time to consider this investment.

Child Care Centres in Western Australia – a fool proof investment or a fools investment?

Child Care Centres in Western Australia – a fool proof investment or a fools investment?

MMJ Real Estate WA's Managing Director Chris Geers talks Childcare Investments in WA for the Epoch Times...   For the past 12 years I have had direct involvement in the child care market in Perth, Western Australia (WA). Initially as a licensed valuer of child care centres and businesses, and more recently as a real estate agent buying, selling and managing them. Now, as the parent of a two year old who attends child care, I am also a customer.