9 Quick Tips for Selling Commercial Real Estate in Brisbane

MMJ Real Estate
9 Quick Tips for Selling Commercial Real Estate in Brisbane

If you’re in the market to sell your commercial property in Brisbane, we have some great advice to get you started…

  1. Carefully choose your agent. You want a professional agent who is highly experienced and knowledgeable about the Brisbane commercial real estate market. They should be approachable, have strong property marketing skills, possess excellent communication and should be able to demonstrate proven results.
  2. Have an open and honest chat with your agent about whether this is the right time to sell your commercial property in Brisbane. Your agent will have a good understanding of the current state of commercial real estate in Brisbane and movements for similar properties in your area. This should give you the confidence to know if selling is the right decision at that time.
  3. First impressions count. Prospective buyers will be looking at and inspecting a number of commercial real estate premises in Brisbane in an effort to find the ideal property to invest in. Make sure your property stands out from the rest. Ensure the property is clean, well maintained and maintains a contemporary look and feel.
  4. If there are any major issues with your property, be sure to disclose them prior to sale. This is an important step in order to protect yourself from being sued for damages and/or non-disclosure breaches.
  5. Lean on your agent for persuasive property marketing. Your chosen advertising strategy will largely depend on which target market your property is suited to. Your agent should be working hard to expose your property to as many qualified investors as possible who would be interested in your category of commercial real estate in Brisbane. Possible advertising channels could include billboards, advertisements in trade publications or a listing on a commercial real estate listing website.
  6. Complimenting point #4: invest in top notch photography. As we said earlier, first impressions count. Quality photographs of your premises are what will spark initial interest. Consider aerial photography to identify your commercial property’s proximity to major landmarks and the Brisbane CBD.
  7. Understand the buyer and eliminate barriers to sale. Speak with your agent and ask what prospective buyers usually want/need to know about the property or the sales process. What do they usually hesitate about? Have this information ready so that any questions or issues can be resolved quickly to prevent delays in the sales process.
  8. If you and the purchaser make an agreement around any issue with the property or any special conditions relating to the sale, it is vital that this is written into the purchase contract. This is required by law and will protect you should any related issues arise in the future.
  9. Be patient. Commercial real estate in Brisbane requires a larger investment than that seen in the residential market. As a result the sales process is usually longer.

If you would like expert advice and help with selling commercial real estate in Brisbane, get in touch with MMJ Real Estate Brisbane - we’re here to help!

Looking to buy commercial real estate in Brisbane? Stay tuned, as next week we will be providing some great tips for buying commercial real estate in Brisbane.