Illawarra Women's in Business Awards 2022

Illawarra Women's in Business Awards 2022

Every year the Illawara Women's In Business (IWIB) host an awards day whereabouts hardworking women in a great range of businesses are celebrated and awarded for their success'.

At MMJ Wollongong, we are lucky enough to have one of our own nominated for the IWIB Outstanding Employee Award of 2022.  Natalie Allan, consultant Town Planner has over 15 years’ experience in the development industry across real estate, property development, building design and planning disciplines. Natalie is an affiliate member of the Planning Institute of Australia (PIA).

At the forefront of what we do at MMJ, Natalie has a keen focus on seeing well considered design outcomes and highly functional urban spaces as a result of her role and responsibilities as a consultant. Her skill set plays a pivotal role in our team, applying design knowledge from an architectural perspective whilst balancing crucial planning requirements as projects evolve. We would like to wish Natalie the best of luck in her nomination for Outstanding Employee, as in our eyes she truly is one. 

We would also like to wish all the other nominees good luck at the awards day on the 13th May 2022. The other awards consist of;

IWIB Business Woman of the Year 2022

IWIB Young Business Woman of the Year 2022

IWIB Best Business 2022

IWIB Best Small Business 2022

IWIB Best Home Based Business 2022

IWIB Best New Business 2022

IWIB Innovative Business Woman of the Year 2022

IWIB Customer Focused Award 2022

IWIB Outstanding Commitment to the Community Award 2022

IWIB Outstanding Executive Employee Award 2022

IWIB Outstanding Employee Award 2022

IWIB Champion Networker 2022