Do you auction or put a price on it?

Do you auction or put a price on it?

Auctions are popular in the market at the moment and we suggest you familiarise yourself with the auction process. A standard residential property transaction is known as a Private Treaty sale. This is when you set the price you’d like your house to sell for, and your real estate agent negotiates individually with prospective buyers to achieve a sale as close to this price as possible.

Selling Property in 2021

Selling Property in 2021

With conditions like this 2021 could be the perfect time to sell your property.  The East-Coast residential market is active with many property owners shifting their lifestyle after the year we've had. Some are looking to relocate out of metropolitan areas, upgrading their spaces as they are find they are spending more time at home or simplifying their accommodation into smaller minimalist living.

With the economy out of recession, clearance rates steadily rising and house prices stable, Australians' appetite for property will return.  But is your property ready for the market.?